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Discussion of the Center's research activities

On December 9, within the walls of KRSU, we told our like-minded and partner organizations about the achievements of the Center.

Thus, from 2018 to 2021 we were actively engaged in research activities, the results of which are published in the following materials:

  • "Studying Foreign Terrorist Fighters."

  • "Radicalization Online: An Analysis of Narratives of Violent Extremism in Central Asia."

  • "Institutional Capacities of the KR to Repatriate, Rehabilitate, and Reintegrate Women and Children."

Led educational projects:

  • "Unity in Diversity;

  • trainings for lawyers, judges and state bodies.

  • Provided assistance in improving the NLAs on religious freedom:

  • The concept of state policy in the religious sphere;

  • Draft Law of KR "On Freedom of Religion and Activities of Religious Associations in the KR".


Our goal for the next year is to create an analytical platform for studying the religious situation in Kyrgyzstan and beyond. For this purpose, we plan to carry out work to increase the expertise of the Center's staff, partners, and friends.

Work continues on filling the official website of the CRI -, where you can find electronic versions of studies, handbooks, policy briefs, communication strategies, and collections of articles.

We express our gratitude to all participants of the Center's final presentation and emphasize our readiness for further cooperation.


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