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for law enforcement and judicial officials on the appointment and production of forensic examinations in cases involving extremism and terrorism

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This handbook is designed to provide practical assistance to law enforcement and judicial authorities on the appointment of forensic examinations in the Kyrgyz Republic. The handbook provides recommendations for the expert examination of texts in cases related to incitement of racial, ethnic, national, religious or interregional hatred, propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their racial, ethnic, national, religious or interregional affiliation. Linguistic, religious and psychological characteristics of appeals to extremist and terrorist activity, as well as incitement of hatred on various grounds are considered.

This Handbook is approved by the Scientific and Methodological Council of the State Forensic Expert Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and recommended for publication.

The Handbook was prepared under the UN Office on Drugs and Crime Program for Central Asian States 2015-2021, Subprogramme 2: Criminal Justice, Crime and Corruption Prevention, with financial support from the UN Peacebuilding Fund.


Copyright © 2023 Research Center for Religious Studies

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